Australian Citizenship Day 2013

Published on September 19, 2013, By admin

September 17th is the annual Australian citizenship day.

Thousands of people make pleged for their Australian citizenship on 17th September.


Many citizenship ceremonies were held across the countries and their citizenship certificate are presented to the new Australian citizens.


The Australian citizenship Pledge,

From this time forward, under God,*
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,
whose democratic beliefs I share,
whose rights and liberties I respect, and
whose laws I will uphold and obey.
* A person may choose whether or not to use the words ‘under God’.


Also during the citizenship ceremony, the national anthem "Advance Australia Fair" will be play and sung by the attendees.


All current migrated residences who would like to apply as Australian citizen are require to sit for the Australian citizenship test.

The Australian citizenship pledge is in testable sections of test which is a mandatory sections of the official test booklet.


Ozihelp had helped thousands of people pass their Australian citizenship test first time would like to welcome the newly pleged Australian citizens

